So it is MOVEMBER time again. This is the time of year when men grow mustaches and beards to raise money for projects to help increase mental health and general wellbeing.
Since 2003, Movember has funded more than 1,250 men’s health projects around the world, challenging the status quo, shaking up men’s health research and transforming the way health services reach and support men.
The Movember Foundation as a charity focuses on four areas with funding for projects globally;
Mental health
Suicide prevention,
Prostate cancer and
Testicular cancer.

Movember - Men's Mental Health & Suicide Prevention
A man dies by suicide every minute globally. In the 20 years between 2001 and 2020, the suicide rate among Veterans in the USA between the ages of 18 and 34 increased by 95.3%.
During that same time period, the suicide rate among Veterans between the ages of 55 and 74 rose 58.2%
In one year alone over 10,000 veterns take their own lives.
The issue of suicide is incredibly complex. Movember through funding projects that aim at improving overall mental health and helping men establish better social connections can reduce the risk of suicide.
So that is Movember's mission. To get there, they are uniting experts, funding bold new approaches and embracing fresh perspectives.
Movember & Prostrate Cancer Funding - 1.4 Million Men Globally
Over 1.4 million men are diagnosed with prostrate cancer each year.
Movember unites researchers and experts across the world to chase down breakthroughs in prostate cancer, from early detection through to diagnosis, treatment and support.
And they are always steered by the question: what works for men?
Movember three largest investments in prostate cancer are global projects that will mean better outcomes for men everywhere.
Movember Testicular Cancer
Testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer in young men.
At greater than 95%, the odds of survival for men with testicular cancer are better than good – but for some men, long-term treatment-related side effects, mean quality of life is severely compromised.
Movember focuses on getting these predominantly young men back to living full and healthy lives.
Through its GAP initiatives, Movember works with leading researchers from around the world to identify key research areas that can best be addressed by a global collaborative and integrated effort. Projects include the development of diagnostic tests (biomarkers) that will optimise treatment decisions through to cutting-edge imaging initiatives.
Since 2011, Movember has invested $30.3 million to establish seven international research initiatives to address some of the most challenging questions in prostate cancer and testicular cancer.
Movember funded the largest comprehensive sequencing study of testicular tumours published to date. This led to several groundbreaking discoveries that improved our understanding of testicular cancer and how to treat it effectively.